Friday, June 29, 2012

It Begins.....

I have put some major thought into this blog before starting it. There are tons of "home improvement" blogs all over the web. The thing about all these blogs is that almost all of them are dedicated to the "do it yourself" crowd. What about all the rest of us who lack the skill or the desire to undertake a project on our own?. What about the person who wants to find the right contractor to undertake their project? Where do they go? Sure they can go to the BBB, but they wont find any product info there, just an arbitrary rating system for various businesses.
My goal for this blog is simple. I want to discuss seasonal projects, trendy projects, or just plan old boring projects, and the best way to go about getting them done right for you, the customer.
I will discuss various products and there benefits/drawbacks.
I will also go into various installation methods as well as the pros and cons for each.

I will admit that I am not an unbiased source. i do in fact work as a sales manager for a construction company. I however did not grow up in this industry and am in many ways still learning about it. In terms of that, I hope we can learn together.

Enjoy the ride.

Shameless plug alert!
check out my company's website Schuster Construction LLC.